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This website is published by BNP PARIBAS.

  • Registered name: BNP PARIBAS
  • Legal representative: Jean-Laurent Bonnafé
  • Public limited company with capital of: 2,261,621,342 euros
  • RCS (commercial register) : Paris 662 042 449
  • EU VAT no.: FR 76662042449
  • ORIAS (insurance broker register) no. : 07 022 735
  • ADEME no. : FR200182_01XHWE
  • Headquarters: 16 boulevard des Italiens - 75009 PARIS - France

BNP Paribas is a French credit institution approved and supervised by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel: ACP - 61, rue Taitbout 75 436 Paris Cedex 09 - France.

BNP Paribas is an investment service provider approved and supervised by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers:
AMF - 17, place de la Bourse 75 082 Paris Cedex 02 - France.

BNP Paribas also acts as an insurance brokerage (financial guarantee and professional indemnity insurance in accordance with articles L 530-1 and L 530-2 of the French Insurance Code).

This website is hosted by BNP PARIBAS.

  • Registered name: BNP PARIBAS
  • Legal representative: Jean-Laurent Bonnafé
  • Public limited company with capital of: 2,261,621,342 euros
  • RCS (commercial register) : Paris 662 042 449
  • EU VAT no.: FR 76662042449
  • ORIAS (insurance broker register) no. : 07 022 735
  • ADEME no. : FR200182_01XHWE
  • Headquarters: 16 boulevard des Italiens - 75009 PARIS - France

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